Elder Gods & Affinities

Strategy in Immortal Siege revolves around the use of Immortals and their respective affinities to unlock a tech tree of towers and spells. 30 affinities exist, which vary based on the type and tier of Elder God (see chart below).

Players can use up to 3 Immortals per game to grant their affinity’s power to your base. Each Immortal can be used once per day unless refreshed.

  • Immortals with multiple affinities give the player a choice of which to use, providing strategic optionality depending on the scenario.

  • For instance: a player with 3 Bronze Elder Gods will have access to 3 affinities, whereas a player with 3 Paragon Elder Gods will have access to 9 affinities per game.

  • The player begins the game with 1 shrine and gains a 2nd + 3rd shrine upon Great Hall upgrade.

  • Affinities unlock a tech tree (see below).

During our early access alpha, various Gods will be available for players to use by default. As game development advances (and progression becomes permanent), players will have the option to rent Elder Gods from holders via the Patron Pool.

Note: Atheism is not a great choice in Immortal Siege. While Immortal Siege is free to play, the Elder Gods provide significant advantages to those that harness their power.


When an Elder God is placed into a shrine and their affinity is chosen it immediately impacts the player’s game by adding cards to their draw deck.

All affinities give either a camp card or a worker card plus two additional bonus cards of varying types.

  • Camp cards are placed into slots in the player base (i.e. create buildings), and give the ability to specialize workers. Through specialists, players gain the ability to build different tower types.

  • Worker cards are either generic workers or specialists that give the player to immediately build towers or take other actions. Additional workers give the player more flexibility in moment-to-moment gameplay.

The set of cards that come from Gods heavily influence the player’s strategy.

These are granted up to 3 times per game, once per god that is enshrined.

Affinity Granted Cards & Tower Unlocks:

The following are tower and bonus card unlocks during early access alpha gameplay.

Affinity Priest and Shrine Cards:

When the player converts a worker to a priest specialist (through a shrine), they gain access to that affinity’s powers.

Priests have an ability to bless nearby towers with their affinity when played onto the map, OR they can add a shrine card into the player’s draw pile when played on the associated shrine.

Each affinity is generally associated with a specific damage type in game.

Elder God Affinity Table:

Looking for the affinities you want? Check the table below to determine which Elder God to target.

Last updated