Gameplay Basics

In Immortal Siege, cards are generated by playing workers and specialists on appropriate buildings and paying the specified resource cost. This in turn generates spells that can be played on suitable targets for an additional resource cost.

Each worker, specialist, or priest has 2 outcomes, a meaningful choice:

  1. Play on a camp or shrine (in your base) to gain a card.

  2. Play on a tower (out in the world) to buff a tower or guardian.

The exceptions are:

  • Smiths: Can be played to upgrade towers or upgrade the Great Hall.

  • Camp Specialists: Can be used to build Towers, when played on map, with appropriate resources, in a buildable zone and under tower limit cap (e.g. play an archer specialist to build an archery tower).

  • Workers: Can be played on resource nodes to build mines, on the portal to harvest mana, on chests to open them, and on a watch tower to create scout spells.

  • All specialists can be recycled in the portal to turn them back into a worker.

Boosts, camp cards, & spells are single use and are removed from the deck after being played. Workers & specialists are permanent and can be used as many times as the player wants to generate new cards.

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